2024Global Threat Intelligence Report

Growing attack surface and threat complexity mixed with reduced staffing and budgets is creating a perfect storm for security professionals.

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Protection from a Global Leader

With the support of our Global Threat Intelligence Center (GTIC) and leading-edge cybersecurity services, NTT delivers unique visibility into threat activity over the internet. You can rest assured knowing that your business is protected every second of every day. As your cybersecurity partner, NTT will help you:

  • Minimize business impact by recognizing threats early.
  • Reduce risk by detecting threats that could bypass existing controls.
  • Gain cyber resilience quickly with cloud native turnkey solutions.

Services & Products

Cybersecurity is a constant challenge. That’s why more than 1,500 businesses around the world depend on NTT. By monitoring our customers’ IT/OT environments 24/7 with our proprietary intelligence, we can discover and respond to threats instantly and effectively with near-zero false positives – no matter how sophisticated and malicious the threats may be.

NTT Security Holding’s CEO Shinichi Yokohama: Ensuring global cyber security requires public-private collaboration

Digital optimism despite increased cyber threats and cross-border collaboration were two of the main themes of the Aspen Digital Global Cyber Security Group workshop in Madrid, Spain, in which NTT Security Holding’s CEO Shinichi Yokohama participated. The event was organized by Aspen Digital and aims to address significant technology and security challenges, and explore solutions for international cybersecurity collaboration across the public and private sectors.

Ransomware and extortion incidents surged by 67% in 2023, according to NTT Security Holdings 2024 Global Threat Intelligence Report

Bad actors are using more aggressive and unscrupulous tactics to acquire personal data and extort ransoms Ransomware and extortion incidents surged by 67% in 2023, according to NTT Security Holdings recently released 2024 Global Threat Intelligence Report. Created by NTT Security Holdings Global Threat Intelligence Center, the report examines cybersecurity trends, provides insights on the threat landscape, and offers recommendations to help organizations better protect against cyberattacks.

NTT-CERT's 2023 Annual Cyber Security Report

The NTT Group has a long-established tradition of leadership in the cybersecurity space. A key component of this is through the activities of NTT-CERT, which was established in 2004 with the goal of acting as NTT’s Computer Security Incident Response Team.


years experience in 24x7 Managed Security Services


billion logs processed per month


enterprise customers


technology partners in continual development of security products


of all security incidents last year detected by NTT-developed tools and methods


Our proprietary threat intelligence is derived from a variety of sources including our public Internet backbone covering more than 40% of the Internet1

1 Based on CAIDA AS ranking

NTT Advantages

Proprietary Indicator of Compromise. As opposed to detecting threats from a single data source, NTT enables automated detection by combining data sources.

Global Honeypot Network. NTT provides early warning and discovery of emerging threats thanks to a network geographically dispersed across multiple regions and multiple cloud providers.

Trickbot Commander Controller. On average, our advanced technologies identify threats 24 hours before VirusTotal classifies the server as malicious.

Information Sharing Network. Our extensive threat intelligence information sharing network includes US Homeland Security and the Cyber Threat Alliance.

Monthly Report

Cyber Security Report

This report focuses on select topics that are important amongst information security incidents and events so far this year. The report discusses three current issues in-depth, focusing on the specific incidents and events that occurred, as well as the changes in the surrounding environment.

View the Report
“In our first month’s report, we had over 369 million security logs captured. Through NTT’s systems this was condensed to 637 events of which only one needed to be investigated.”
Daniel TribeChief Technology OfficerFEX Global

Proactive Cyber Defense Services

Cybersecurity that goes beyond Managed Detection & Response, both inside and outside your organization, using human resources as strengths.

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